Monday, 25 June 2007

More Socks & Grown-up Knitting

After finishing the Kismet Socks yesterday I was planning on knitting more fish for the KAL. Well... I managed one more... then I decided it would be a good idea to cast on for a pair of socks :o)
So far I have gone past the heel and finished decreasing so now it's just round and round for a few more inches before decreasing for the toes. Now this is only my third pair of socks, but I'm designing them myself and making notes as I go. No more scooting back to Silver's Sock Class every five minutes.
A strange thing happened to me this afternoon whilst I was working on this baby. I suddenly found myself knitting like a grown-up. For the past six months I have been taking my right hand off the needles to "throw" the yarn. It can get a bit painful trying to keep a good tension when the yarn is gripped tightly in your fist, but I didn't know any better. All in all I'm feeling pretty pleased with myself today *grinning from ear to ear*

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looking good! As you are discovering, socks are easy and addictive and soon you will be designing loads and be knitting form your 'head' not pattern.